OACS Charity
Organisation for Anti-Convulsant Syndrome

Registered Charity No. 1116497
UK Helpline: 07904 200364
Email: oacscharity.org@gmail.com
What is OACS Charity?
OACS is a charity for those that have been touched by the effects of medications such as sodium valproate or Epilim, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, prescribed to women for Epilepsy, bi-polar disorder, migraines, pain management and depression, which was taken whilst pregnant O.A.C.S was established in January 1999 and became a registered Charity in 2006. Concerned that there needed to be a more interactive and proactive organisation for those families with OACS in 2014 the new board of trustees came together with a new and clear vision for the families with O.A.C.S. The onus now is upon the FACS family, to offer support, and advocacy to those families that need it.
The new board at OACS are all experienced in many aspects of F.A.C.S. We are willing to share our experiences of medical, educational and support services, as well as our experiences, as parents, that live with and manage this syndrome within their child. We are those parents that have gone before, preparing the way for those parents who are new to the world of the special needs child, with a little understood and complex disability. We also understand that it is not just the child that needs support, it is the mother living with her own disabilities trying to support the needs of her child. It is the father holding the space - Fetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome is a conditon that effects the family unit.
All families are welcomed into the group with open arms, not only because we understand the problems your child may be experiencing but also because we understand the challenges experienced by the carer. Our private Facebook page has many friendly parents that are abundant in experience and generous with information and advice. The O.A.C.S Facebook page is a great place to go if you need support or have specific questions. We also have additional support available for those affected with ‘Big Sis’, father support, support for those that have lost their children, those who have adopted children with Fetal Anti-Convulsant Syndromes, and more. With the introduction of our new community groups the O.A.C.S team want to be here for those that need us.
Gaining a diagnosis may be the highest mountain of all for the carer to climb. F.A.C.S is a complex syndrome, presenting with global disabilities, some of which result in secondary conditions. The O.A.C.S team will support you in your quest for a diagnosis, and help you understand some of the challenges you are experiencing.
The team at O.A.C.S are here to offer advice, support and information, point you in the right direction should you need other support groups, social service benefits and special educational needs services. Our new Advocacy Services are now in place to support your needs.
The O.A.C.S team will also provide professionals with information and training in order to provide a greater understanding of this condition.